It’s going to take a joint effort to meet the challenges of the future. For this reason, in 2020, seven renowned universities, including WU, joined forces to form the European University ENGAGE.EU. Together, we will equip a new generation of EU citizens with the skills and competencies they will need to help shape the Europe of the future.
2021 was marked by the first concrete actions:
We designed joint programs, ENGAGE Labs, and think tanks and planned their implementation.
The online exchange initiative got off to a successful start. In the 2021/22 winter semester, 60 students participated in 182 online courses.
The EU Grant Desk was established. This is a (virtual) knowledge and competence center that bundles all of the research funding competencies available at the partner universities.
We have adapted the ENGAGE.EU mission statement to reflect the current Strategic Plan. The alliance’s new motto is: “ENGAGE.EU: The European University for Business Knowledge, Economic Capability-Building and Societal Development.”
The ENGAGE.EU International Staff Days were held in November 2021. During this two-day event, the administrative staff of the seven partner universities learned more about the ENGAGE.EU project. 190 people attended online presentations, roundtable sessions, and workshops.
Together, we launched a European University spin-off project: ENGAGE.EU R&I. With this initiative, we are creating the foundations for more dedicated and effective research and establishing innovation ecosystems at both the partner and alliance levels.
ENGAGE.EU is a network of 100,000 students and 7,550 faculty and staff members, including 4,350 teachers and researchers from the following universities:
- Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
- Norwegian School of Economics
- Tilburg University
- University of Mannheim
- University of National and World Economy
- Toulouse 1 Capitole University
- WU