
Top Researchers

WU’s researchers are among the best in their respective fields. Respected members of the international scientific community, they investigate complex research questions using empirical and applied methods. The resulting findings are documented in numerous papers and published in leading international journals.

Handelsblatt Ranking

As in previous years, a number of WU researchers made appearances in the best-of lists published by well-known media sources. The German business newspaper Handelsblatt, for example, included Clive Spash and Jesús Crespo Cuaresma among the best researchers in its Lifetime Ranking, and Armon Rezai earned a place among the best young economists in the German-speaking countries.

Influential Economists

The German-language newspapers Die Presse (Austria), FAZ (Germany), and NZZ (Switzerland) published their fourth annual ranking of the most influential economists of the year in 2017. Contributing factors included the researcher’s impact on the media, politics, and research. The impact of WU’s research in the German-speaking world is clearly demonstrated by the five WU researchers placed among the top 20: Christoph Badelt (2nd place), Karl Aiginger (7th place), Jesús Crespo Cuaresma (15th place), Sigrid Stagl (16th place), and Peter Schnedlitz (20th place).

Best Paper Award

Every year, the City of Vienna and WU present the Best Paper Awards for outstanding academic publications. The following researchers received the award in 2017:

  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter Publication: Bayesian treatment effects models with variable selection for panel outcomes with an application to earnings effects of maternity leave
  • Nikolaus Franke Publication: Intellectual Property Norms in Online Communities: How User-Organized Intellectual Property Regulation Supports Innovation
  • Renate E. Meyer, Markus A. Höllerer Publication: Laying a smoke screen: Ambiguity and neutralization as strategic responses to intra-institutional complexity
Social Recognition