Global Perspectives

Maintaining International Contacts

International mobility is a source of inspiration for our faculty and staff. The discourse with colleagues from partner schools gives us the opportunity to exchange knowledge and generate new ideas.

International Guests at WU

In the 2019/2020 academic year, we welcomed a number of guest teachers from partner institutions to WU. Their expertise and excellent teaching benefited WU’s students both online and on campus.

Fulbright Chairs at WU

The Fulbright Program, named after US Senator James W. Fulbright (1905–1995), is one of the most well-known and renowned mobility programs for US scholars. The program’s objective is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Applicants are subject to a stringent selection process conducted by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars on behalf of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State.

WU has two Fulbright Chairs, the Fulbright-WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Visiting Professor, assigned to a different WU department every year, and the Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe, assigned permanently to the Department of Strategy and Innovation.

WU hosted two Fulbright scholars in the 2019/2020 academic year. In the 2019/2020 winter semester, William (Bill) Johnson from Suffolk University came to WU’s Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics as a visiting professor. In 2020, Julie Elston returned to WU to fill the Fulbright Kathryn and Craig Hall Chair. Professor Elston was already Hall Chair at WU in 2012.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a planned visit by Peter Brummund from the University of Alabama had to be postponed until 2021.

Campus WU (c) BOAnet

Exchange on all levels

It’s not just professors that find their way to WU.  We also welcome exchange with many junior researchers from around the world.

Valuable Networks